Lucas and his friends watch the action from their favourite bar
08 March 2022 - Bayern München

'The ecstasy and magic'

Bayern München
Lucas Gebhardt

From a Bayern bar in Bavaria, Champions Journalist fan reporter Lucas Gebhardt watched his side spreading the joy

The Treffpunkt (“Meeting Point”) bar in Munich’s lively district of Schwabing has always been a popular spot for Bayern fans. All of the German giant’s games are broadcast here of course, but the pub’s pool tables and dart boards – as well as its traditional and quaint Bavarian charm – also play their part in attracting fans on game day. In addition, the owner of the place has been a dyed-in-the-wool Bavarian since childhood. Fortunately we know him well – and that’s the reason a few tables were specially reserved for us regulars on this important night.

After the shaky draw in the first leg against Salzburg, the tension was palpable – would our latest Champions League adventure be coming to an end today? (Robert Lewandowski had a rather special answer to that question, but more on that later.) What I find fascinating about the composition of the group of friends I was there with is the different attitudes before every Bayern match. In addition to the optimists, who saw our team in the quarter-finals even before kick-off despite the mixed performances of recent weeks, there were also many doubters – among whom I definitely counted myself.

Thanks to the aforementioned Lewandowski, it was clear pretty early on that there was little reason to worry; that hat-trick in just under ten minutes decided the game before half-time. It was one of those dominant Champions League performances at our home ground, after having struggled away from home in the first leg. Think 7-0 against Basel, 7-0 against Donetsk, 6-1 against Porto: as in past years, Bayern suddenly turned up with an incomparable dominance.

Naturally the atmosphere in the bar was correspondingly exuberant. Because such venues in Bavaria were only allowed to reopen a few weeks ago, all the pent-up excitement that had been building up for so long was finally released on this Tuesday evening at the Treffpunkt. The ecstasy and magic of a Champions League night was yet again tangible, raising hopes for a successful quarter-final.

Our Champions Journalist fan reporter:
Lucas Gebhardt
About Champions Journalist fan reporters: These blogs have been written by winners of our annual Champions Journalist competition as well as a selection of editors from various fan page accounts. Together they offer their unique insights from the group stages all the way to the final.
Champions Journalist
With thanks to our Champions Journalist winner
Lucas Gebhardt
Champions Journalist is an annual competition that gives fans a chance to write about their club for Champions Journal.